You have heard a lot of good about car rentals in Dubai, and all of these are true. However, some risks are involved in the process for monthly hire cars in Dubai. These are sometimes too drastic but manageable matters that are not long-term issues. When taking cars on rental for a whole month, you need to understand these potential risks and know how to manage them.
Long term depreciation
Using a vehicle for the whole month puts some depreciation on it. You have to take care of all its operations and possible worn-out issues when using it. If you use it too rough, the vehicle might get severe damages that can cost you more money at the return time. The rental company manages the minor depreciation, and they do not budge you for that. However, for the extensive damages, you will be responsible.
Paying for non-active days
If you have an office job and use the rental car for your office commute, you will pay extra for the off days every week. It’s another major problem you have to face. Compared to the daily rent or weekly rent-a-car option, you can simply avoid the non-active days. If you can adjust the daily commute with your weekly car rental schedule, then prefer to shift your plan from monthly to weekly and avoid the excessive payment for non-active days.
Held responsible for on-road damages or worn out
Hitting a car on the road or having a flat tire is normal. No matter where you are in the whole world, these are uncontrollable. With your monthly car rental, you have to face these issues and are responsible for all these damages or worn-outs. It is mentioned in the agreement. However, sometimes these damages are covered by insurance, so your rental service can help you.
Managing security for vehicle
Another major risk is vehicle security. When you are posing the vehicle for a month, you have to ensure it is parked safely and has no security threats. Anything that happens wrong to the vehicle, such as theft or so, will be charged on your side.